Wielders spells/consumables on overworld map

7 votes

Example :

Scouting falcon : send a falcon to reveal the fog of war in a nearby location for 2 turns
5 turns cooldown
Cost 250 gold

Barricade : Build a destructible barricade on the world map
6 turns cooldown
Cost 5 woods

Cloak : Become invisible to escape a battle
10 turns cooldown
Cost 3 rare ressource

Pavement : Build a road on 6 tiles
10 turns cooldown
Cost 10 stones

Intimidating dance : Make a easy/very easy monster battle disappear
8 turns cooldown
Cost 2 rare ressource

Suggestion Suggested by: Papa Pasda' Upvoted: 06 Aug, '23 Comments: 3

Comments: 3