Description of map buildings visible for all heroes after visiting once in game

19 votes

Currently, map locations only give detailed tooltip descriptions of what they provide if you have selected a hero who has visited it already. It can be irritating for players to toggle between heroes to find the description if they can't remember what a certain location did, and they might visit something and regret it later because they couldn't see the details and it wasn't worth spending the movement to go there after all.

Going with this, it would also be great to add a per-hero "(Visited)" note to the description tooltip for hero-dependent locations (e.g. Cairns), while also making the distinction between "you visited this location with this hero but can still get benefits from visiting with another hero" and "you (or another player) visited this location and no one else can get benefits from it" clearer. Maybe something like "(Exhausted)" would be better for one-time structures instead of "(Visited)"?

Suggestion Suggested by: Vohkiel Upvoted: 22 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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